This bus against anti-Semitic hatred that shakes our consciences

This bus against anti-Semitic hatred that shakes our consciences

CDear readers,

I discovered with horror the existence of the number 310 bus line in London. According to what our colleague Leila Lamnaouer says, I would have the right to get on it just like you, but we are not the expected and pampered customers. It is about protecting members of the so-called “Orthodox Jewish” community during their travels between the neighborhoods of Golders Green and Stamford Hill. Protect? Against anti-Semitism that knows no borders. According to local police data, more than 2,000 anti-Semitic crimes – and especially in the two aforementioned areas – have been recorded since October 2023. This new small 29-seater bus is very successful; and already users are demanding more: like a security guard on board… Or how to campaign for the creation of a ghetto in Europe.

► HOT READING. To avoid despair, I recommend the invigorating reading of the interview with Jacques de Larosière by my colleague François Miguet. The nonagenarian, fit and healthy, former director of the International Monetary Fund, gives us his truths on the state of the French economy. It is in bad shape (you knew that!), but according to this friendly economist it is possible to straighten out our country without touching our social protection system. Yes, yes, without touching a cent of social spending! Will Michel Barnier make this essay his bedside book? He would be well inspired to do so…

► COLD SWEATS. In this month of September […] Read more


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