She has been working on CNews for 13 years. In an interview given to Tele-LeisureLaurence Ferrari, emblematic figure of the channel, lifts the veil behind the scenes of France’s leading news channel. The journalist, who shares her daily life with Christine Kelly, Sonia Mabrouk and Pascal Praud, discusses her position as a “challenger” in the French media landscape, while affirming not to sacrifice her personal life despite a busy schedule. The journalist also reveals her vision for the future of CNewsparticularly in the face of its next numbering change following the numerous upheavals of TNT to come.
“It’s been a long time since I stopped“: why Laurence Ferrari doesn’t watch BFMTV, LCI and franceinfo
Tele-Leisure : Do you ever have time to meet up with Christine Kelly, Sonia Mabrouk and Pascal Praud for a coffee?
Laurence Ferrari : I speak every day with Christine, Sonia and Pascal. A lunch is not possible because Pascal and I are on the air but we all talk to each other in the corridors.
You soon run after interviews. For what ?
Sonia is the bravest. She is the one who goes to the other sets the most. I think Pascal and I are on the same line. What is this for?
What is the recipe for success that makes CNews the leading news channel in France?
We are challengers in our heads. It is very difficult to be the leader under attack. We are in a logic of going to challenge, shake up, disrupt a very homogeneous media system, that has not escaped you. I like it a lot.
Do you look at what the competition is doing or do you stay in your lane?
I don’t particularly look at the competition. Usually, when we’re on air, we often get feedback from other channels, but it’s been a long time since I stopped. I don’t like to say bad things about my colleagues, unlike some. On the other hand, we would be idiots not to see the themes covered. But we have our own brand, our own identity, so we don’t copy anyone. Rather, it is us who are copied.
“My best media tandem“: Laurence Ferrari confides about his duo with Sonia Mabrouk
How do you prepare on a daily basis for your respective shows?
We all arrive with the same package, namely the raw information, what happened during the day. Afterwards, what interests us? What interests our audience? Everyone models their show. This is why we have total freedom. It’s a complete immersion. We spend 13 or 14 hours a day thinking about the show. In reality, we are constantly in the news field.
Does your busy schedule come with personal sacrifices?
We are three mothers, and we sacrifice nothing in our personal lives.
What are your plans or ambitions for the next season on CNews?
As I said, we must keep the challenger mindset. We are the first but we have to stay in the race.
CNews will be assigned channel 14 from June 6. What is your reaction?
It won’t change anything, you have to be stoic. People come to us, whatever channel we are on. We’re not afraid of anything. We are very happy to work together. We comply with all the regulator’s rules. As always.
Could organizing an inter-round debate for the 2027 presidential election be an objective?
I’ve already done this so the box is checked. On the other hand, having debates again with Sonia Mabrouk is whenever she wants. It was my best media tandem.
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