Pierre Arditi is still on the left, “but not just any left”

Pierre Arditi is still on the left, “but not just any left”
Pierre Arditi is still on the left, “but not just any left”

Pierre Arditi always has his heart on the left, even if it sometimes takes on accents that he finds difficult to bear. This is what he confirmed recently on RTL, as he returned to the stage in the room The Price. “Until proven otherwise, I am on the left, yes. But not just any one, he clarified on the air. A left that I knew, he continues, that is to say a social democratic left. It feels like it’s an insult now to be a social democrat. It’s not an insult to be social and it’s not an insult to be a democrat, we have to stop! »

Questioned then about the other trend of the left, more radical, in particular that of La insoumise by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the actor gave the substance of his thoughts. “There is a trend that doesn’t suit me, I’m not excited about it. » And added: “Inside, there are estimable people too, but the way things are going today, it’s always the same: what do we do? Politics is something serious, it decides the life and death of people, it’s not just anything, it’s more complicated than theater…”

ALSO READ Meeting with Sophia Aram, the comedian who drives the far left crazy

“Where is the left? »

This is not the first time that the actor is sorry about the state of the French left. This great admirer of François Mitterrand, who officially supported Lionel Jospin, Ségolène Royal and even François Holla […] Read more



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