HAS 53 years old, Anne is married and an interior decorator. An uneventful life, soon shattered by a love scam.
In a year and a half, the mother will be relieved of 830,000 euros, “the largest amount stolen in this type of affair”, according to the report Seven to eight from TF1. It all started with messages on social networks, on which Anne posted photos of her ski vacation. She is contacted by a woman who presents herself as Brad Pitt’s mother and sees Anne as the ideal woman for her son.
At first suspicious, but new to social networks, Anne ends up letting herself be tamed, all the more easily as her relationship is failing.
Deepfake and gearing
From being friendly, the exchanges become intimate. Poems, flatteries: “He knew how to talk to women. » “Close ones” of the actor come on stage: his understudy, his agent and even his daughter Shiloh, reinforcing the credibility of the character. When she gets annoyed at only communicating through messages, he responds to her with a deepfake. Once the victim is phished, the financial scam can begin.
Anne first pays 9,000 euros in customs duties to unlock gifts sent to her by Brad Pitt. The scammer tells him that his accounts would be blocked by his lawsuit with Angelina Jolie, his ex-wife.
When Anne divorces, she receives a nice compensatory benefit of 775,000 euros, about which she imprudently speaks to “Brad Pitt”. The latter declares that he suffers from kidney cancer. There again […] Read more