The show “Dancing with the Stars” will make its comeback in a few weeks on TF1. And a new candidate has just joined the cast. A new star with Down syndrome, seen at the Casting of Artus' film “A Little Something Extra”.
In a few weeks (we're still waiting for the TF1 date), season 14 of the cult show Dancing with the Stars will make its comeback on the channel. On the program: dance (again and again), fun, Camille Combal at the presentation, cult dancers and of course, stars!
Credit: TF1
On November 29, Dancing with the stars and TF1 presented the very first candidate to join the adventure #DALS : it was the Olympic swimmer Florent Manaudou. Another sports star will also be there: Adil Rami, football player and world football champion. The singer Lénie, from the last season of the Star Academy will also arrive on the show, as well as Charlotte de Turckheim, Miss France 2024, aka, Eve Gilles or even the host and journalist, Sophie Davant.
Disability represented on TF1
This January 6, 2025, the production revealed the arrival of a new candidate: actress Mayane-Sarah El Baze, aged 20, seen in the film A little something extra, d'Artus, but also in the series HPI on TF1. The actress with Down syndrome therefore joins the cast of the show. This is a first for the show.
Credit: @Dals
While she shone on the screen, our little finger tells us that she will be radiant on the floor of studio 217. News which was warmly welcomed by Internet users since the publication of the news on the Instagram account of Dancing with the Stars has already garnered more than 30,000 likes. In a comment, Artus even declared: “And yes”, followed by several “heart” emojis. Adorable.
Credit: @Mayane-Sarah El Baze
On the jury side, no change, Chris Marquès, Fauve Hautot, Jean-Marc Généreux and Mel Charlot will be present to rate the candidates' performances. So, after the victory of Natasha St-Pier, who will win the trophy of Dancing with the Stars ? To be continued…