The months are now numbered. In a few weeks, Vincent Cassel will become a father for the fourth time. At 57, the actor is indeed expecting a new child with his partner Narah Baptista. It was in September 2024 that the 29-year-old young woman announced her pregnancy. Already the father of three girls (Deva and Léonie whom he had with Monica Bellucci and Amazonie with Tina Kunakey), the future father hopes this time to welcome a boy. “This time, he would like it to finally be a boy“, revealed a source to our colleagues at Gala. For almost a year and a half, Vincent Cassel seems very fulfilled in the arms of Narah Baptista. While they remained rather discreet during the first months of life together, the lovebirds decided to make their romance official during Paris Fashion Week. Since then, the two lovers have no longer hidden each other. They share their sunny daily life in Brazil on their respective Instagram accounts.
Vincent Cassel soon to be a father at 57: his partner Narah Baptista reveals her round belly
Note that during the end-of-year celebrations, the mother-to-be revealed her round belly. Alongside her companion actor, Narah Baptista indeed displayed her pregnant curves on December 25, 2024, dressed all in red. Happier than ever, the lovers posed under the tree. There is no doubt that at the sight of his partner, Vincent Cassel is already impatient at the idea (…)
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