Zinedine Zidane and wife Veronique celebrate 30 years of marriage, son Théo posts family photos

Zinedine Zidane and wife Veronique celebrate 30 years of marriage, son Théo posts family photos
Zinedine Zidane and wife Veronique celebrate 30 years of marriage, son Théo posts family photos

On the occasion of his parents’ 30th wedding anniversary, Zinedine Zidane’s son, Théo, posted tender photos on his Instagram account. Internet users are moved.

In between Zinedine Zidane and his wife VeroniqueIt is a love story that has lasted for more than thirty years. After meeting at the very beginning of their respective careers (footballer for one, dancer for the other), the two lovers got married in May 1994. Between 30 years of marriage, they gave birth to four sons: Enzo 29 years old, Luca 26 years old, Théo 22 years old and Elyaz 18 years old, then they had a first little girl, Sia, daughter of their son Enzo in May 2022. Recently, last May, the eldest son gave birth to twins named Giulia and Kaia.

Zinedine Zidane married to Véronique for 30 years: their son Théo shares tender photos for their wedding anniversary

Last June, Zinedine Zidane celebrated not only his 52nd birthday but also his 30th wedding anniversary with his wife Véronique. An event that their son, Théo, wanted to share with his community on Instagram on June 26. The young man posted a series of family photos where we can also see his grandparents: “05/28/24. So proud of you. 30 years of happiness.” Sublime photos that did not fail to move Internet users through their numerous comments: “Sublime” ; “What a beautiful family, a family of heart, so moving, the strength of this family, it’s an incredible love between all these generations, beautiful values, lots of kisses” ; “Congratulations, beautiful family” ; “Magnificent!” ; “The work that the Zidane family has been doing for years is magnificent, from grandparents to grandchildren, including parents. We feel that there is a real transmission of values ​​that are the essence of life: family, humility and work. Keep up the transmission.”

Zinedine Zidane: his tender confidences about his wife Véronique

Despite this longevity with his wife Véronique, Zinedine Zidane remains a discreet man about his private life. But in a biography entitled Zidane and published by Flammarion in 2019, the 1998 world champion made rare and tender confidences about the mother of his four children: “When I met her, I would have thrown myself off a building. For her, for her to love me… Yes, I would have thrown myself off a building…” And his wife added: “As long as I’m here, there’s no risk of that happening to him. Not the house type. If I’d known he’d become so famous, I might not have married him!”



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