This deliberate choice says a lot about his supposed desire to sort things out with his family – Closer

This deliberate choice says a lot about his supposed desire to sort things out with his family – Closer
This deliberate choice says a lot about his supposed desire to sort things out with his family – Closer

While rumors suggested that Harry would soon return to the United Kingdom for ease tensions with loved onesa royal specialist is skeptical. Jennie Bond, a former correspondent for the BBC
with the Crown, considers that The prince has not made sufficient efforts to rebuild tiesexplain The Mirror.

She particularly points out her absence from major family events.[S]’he really wanted to confront his family and make things right, he would surely have given more time to his recent visits so that his father can at least make arrangements to see him” she said.

“He’s still a prince, after all.”

According to sources close to the prince, the latter would have been “upset and emotional” while viewing footage of King Charles’ birthday. The footage, shot at the monarch’s American residence, featured Harry’s late mother, Lady Diana.. Hurt by this apparent rejection, Harry is said to have considered going to England to “force“the family to meet him.”He’s still a prince, after all. ; it’s still his family, and whether they like it or not, he refuses to be simply cast aside“, a source reportedly told Closer magazine.

The Duke of Sussex is also said to feel aggrieved by the lack of communication with his father and sister-in-law Kate Middleton.
He would not receive “no news on the health of his father or Kateand the “cBasic communications would be virtually non-existent” These frustrations would partly explain his reaction to the king’s birthday.

Prince Harry, a prince in search of appeasement

In one of his last public engagements, Prince Harry spoke about grief, particularly the death of his mother. He advised grieving young people not to “to push back“their feelings as he has done in the past. Sharing his personal experiences, Harry explained that keeping grief bottled up inside can be destructive.We convince ourselves that the person we lost wants us to be unhappy, or that we have to stay sad as long as possible to prove to them that we miss them. But then we realize that no, they probably want us to be happy.” he confided.

These words reveal the prince’s pain at the loss of his mother, but also at the falling out with his family. It remains to be seen whether Harry will be able to put his resentment aside and resume dialogue.His future actions will be closely scrutinized by royal observers.



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