Camilla Parker Bowles: her very touching gesture for a young boy victim of a sad mishap

Camilla Parker Bowles: her very touching gesture for a young boy victim of a sad mishap
Camilla Parker Bowles: her very touching gesture for a young boy victim of a sad mishap

Buckingham Palace recently opened its doors to nine-year-old Tony Hudgell and his family, according to
People. An exceptional event organized by Queen Consort Camilla Parker Bowles herself. But to understand this touching gesture, we have to go back a few weeks earlier.

Indeed, Tony, who is a double amputee, was invited to a royal garden party organized by King Charles III. Unfortunately, a major unforeseen event prevented the Hudgell family from being present. Stuck in traffic on the M20 motorway, they were unable to reach the palace in time. A huge disappointment for Tony, who is very involved in the cause of sick children.

A royal invitation and an unforgettable afternoon

Fortunately, the story doesn’t end there.
Touched by the young boy’s misadventure and his charitable commitment, the members of the royal family kept their promise. This is how, on June 26, Tony and his family were finally able to set foot on the prestigious Buckingham Palace.

There, a tailor-made program awaited them. After attending the Changing of the Guard ceremony, an emblematic moment of the British monarchy, Tony and his relatives had the privilege of sharing tea in the palace’s Summer Drawing Room with Camilla Parker Bowles. A warm and friendly meeting, as Tony’s mother Paula Hudgell pointed out.. “We were all extremely honoured to be invited to Buckingham Palace for tea with the Queen. It was an experience we never dreamed of. Everyone was so kind and attentive, and we felt so comfortable and relaxed.“, she explained.

“I spoke to the Queen as if we were old friends”

But this unique moment didn’t stop there. Queen Consort Camilla Parker Bowles presented Tony with a prestigious honor: the British Empire Medal (BEM). An award that recognizes the young boy’s commitment to the
Tony Hudgell Foundationan association he co-founded to help sick children.

A strong gesture from royalty which underlines the importance of the charitable work carried out by Tony. The latter, visibly delighted with his day, confided in his mother: “I spoke to the Queen as if we were old friends, and she was lovely to me.. It was an exceptionally moving moment when the Queen presented me with my BEM medal.



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