Enrico Macias comes out of silence after the cancellation of several concerts

Enrico Macias comes out of silence after the cancellation of several concerts
Enrico Macias comes out of silence after the cancellation of several concerts

Yesterday at 4:30 p.m. – by
Charline Vergne

Faced with health problems, Enrico Macias has been forced to cancel a number of his performances. The 85-year-old artist put an end to speculation by speaking out in a video released on social media on Friday, June 28.

Is Enrico Macias sick? In recent days, after the cancellation of several concerts by the singer of the title The girls of my countrymany of his fans have expressed their concern on social media. Eager to reassure them, the 85-year-old musician and singer spoke out through a video posted online on Friday, June 28 on his Instagram account. In a few words, he reveals the reason why he had to cancel the performances scheduled for the end of June, but also in July and August. Even if he says he is in much better shape than he has been recently, he will have to take time to recover.

Enrico Macias suffers fracture: singer has “suffered martyrdom”

“I know you’ve been very worried about me, but don’t worry.”reacted Enrico Macias in the preamble, specifying that he had decided to make this video for “remove all worry” about her. “I’m 1000 times better”he promised, before discussing the reasons why he was forced to give up performing in front of his audience. “I had a fractured vertebrae. Let’s say it was a stress fracture, time passinghe detailed in front of the camera. The singer said to himself “very touched” by the numerous signs of affection shown by his fans, worried for him, over the last few days. “But you know, I’ve seen others! And at my age, I’m still going to survive all these trials!”, he continued without losing his combative character. Nevertheless, he admitted to having gone through difficult times: “I’m laughing, but I suffered martyrdom. It is very painful. The pain goes away thanks to you”he then assured, before thanking his community.

Enrico Macias gives his fans an appointment “in September”

“I had to cancel all my shows, because it was impossible for me to sing”also confided Enrico Macias, visibly saddened. “But it’s only a postponement”he then promised his subscribers. I will have the whole summer to rest, and in September, I will be even fitter than now! I wish you a very nice summer and we will see you again at the start of the school year, of course! A date that his fans will, most certainly, scrupulously note in their diaries…

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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