“Tom Cruise made me sick!” »

“Tom Cruise made me sick!” »
“Tom Cruise made me sick!” »

Julien JouanneauCamille Paulet
06/27/2024 at 12:53

THE STORY OF… In 2022, the M6 ​​journalist is on board the Patrouille de France to fly right over Tom Cruise as he climbs the steps of the Cannes Film Festival. Except that the actor is late…

Nathalie Renoux, journalist presenter of “12.45” on M6 and “Criminal Investigations” on W9, will never forget May 18, 2022. Her mission: join the Patrouille de France and fly over… Tom Cruise, as he climbs the steps of the Cannes Film Festival for “Top Gun: Maverick”. Thanks to the professionalism of the drivers, everything will be decided down to the second for an exceptional moment. After settling into an Alpha Jet, the journalist takes off. Now a radio message announces that Tom Cruise is late!

Change of program and immediate reaction. To pass the time, the planes circle over the Mediterranean. “We circle, again and again, I’m getting G’s!” Nathalie Renoux’s suit is designed to inflate, compress the body and prevent anyone from fainting. The merry-go-round continues, until a new radio message. The star has finished signing her autographs. Go!

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“Feeling like a very tired old lady”

The planes are heading towards the contact point, the Croisette. The journalist is glued to her seat. “I felt like a very tired old lady! » Teasingly the pilot asks her if she sees Tom Cruise… No time! The mission is successful. On the ground, the star’s eyes shine like those of a little boy.

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The Alpha Jet makes a sudden turn, then leaves towards Salon-de-Provence. Exhausted, but happy, Nathalie Renoux is back on track. As with many Tom Cruise films, there is a sequel! The journalist tells in our video…

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Find Nathalie Renoux on M6 for “12.45” from Monday to Friday.



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