Les 12 coups de midi: Jean-Luc Reichmann “distraught” in the face of Emilien’s knowledge, the time for explanations has come

Les 12 coups de midi: Jean-Luc Reichmann “distraught” in the face of Emilien’s knowledge, the time for explanations has come
Les 12 coups de midi: Jean-Luc Reichmann “distraught” in the face of Emilien’s knowledge, the time for explanations has come

Since his first participation on Monday September 25, 2023, Emilien continues to fascinate millions of aficionados of 12 shots of noon on TF1. The young student, originally from Vendée, is already in possession of a prize pool of 1,186,871 euros in winnings and gifts collected in 274 participations.

The one who explained the absence of his partner Jessica did not deny his success on Wednesday June 26, 2024. He defeated his three opponents of the day before enhancing his kitty with an additional gain of 3000 euros. Like millions of French people, Jean-Luc Reichmann continues to be impressed by the knowledge of his champion.

During an exchange with another candidate around artificial intelligence, the host, who is the head of a blended family, sought to find out where all of Emilien’s knowledge came from. Internet is an endless source of knowledge. Afterwards I don’t remember everything I see on the internet, but I will draw a lot from it at the base”replied the young master of noon.

Emilien impresses Jean-Luc Reichmann at the 12 shots of noonthe host confronts him on TF1

A few moments later, Emilien once again bluffed Jean-Luc Reichmann. The latter was impressed to see him respond instinctively “un landau” at the question : “Which 4-wheeled vehicle rolls down the stairs of Odessa in the film Battleship Potemkin?“. “Um… No, but well done! Because usually, you don’t watch films until the end…”he told her.

“No, I didn’t see the film, I just saw the scene. Because it’s a scene that was later repeated in quite a few films. From ‘Battleship Potemkin’, I only saw this scene !”, justified the champion who was forced to make a radical decision. To which Jean-Luc Reichmann commented: “It’s extraordinary! No, but it’s quiz culture in fact…”.

The culture quiz as you say, it’s a gateway to lots of other things. I started to get interested – via quizzes – in areas that I didn’t master and that didn’t interest me at all. Typically, I’ve always been very impervious to cinema and I started to get interested in it. Since then, I’ve started to watch more and more films. Even films that I would never have thought of watching! I discovered them via quizzes and questions”Emilien was quick to point out.

Another response from the young master of noon challenged the host. At the question “What are the rigid collars that the Celts wore called?“, Emilien responded instantly “torque”. “Where do you get the torques for example in your quiz culture?”Jean-Luc Reichmann hallucinated. “Torques, I think it’s mentioned at one point in an Asterix”replied the champion before the host concluded: “Culture quiz, boom! No, but it’s interesting to say, each time, where did he get the information. Because we, afterward, are quite helpless…” There is something to be amazed about, indeed.



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