“Crac-crac in the closet”: Danielle Moreau set a naughty trap for her classmates

“Crac-crac in the closet”: Danielle Moreau set a naughty trap for her classmates
“Crac-crac in the closet”: Danielle Moreau set a naughty trap for her classmates

An anecdote that no one expected… Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Pascale de la Tour du Pin was at the head of a new issue of TPMP even in the summer, on C8. At the beginning of the show, the host asked her columnists to reveal their stupidities are more “darka” at school. That of Ludivine Rétory?
“When I was told to take the door, I took it literally”. Magali Berdah peed on the sponge that was used to wipe the board.

Danielle Moreau had broadcast strange sounds in the classroom to scare a teacher. “I was a pest, I also did the door trick! There were two of us who were bold and who were at this table”, she first blurted out. More seriously, she declared: “I’m talking to you about a time when people under twenty… They were little cassette tape recorders. We hid this with a friend in the classroom cupboard.

Danielle Moreau: “It was our little tape recorder!”

With humor, the columnist explained: “We hadn’t put anything on the tape for a while so the class was going well, and then suddenly… We had recorded some stuff, so at the beginning we hear ‘Ah ah ah’ and in fact, she thought someone was cracking in the cupboard, but actually no, it was our little tape recorder!”.

While Pascale de la Tour du Pin considered that Danielle Moreau was a rebel, she retorted: I was more in the hallway than in the class!before specifying that she had been forced to denounce herself in order for the course to continue.

What other stupid things have the columnists done?

When he was younger,
Sasha Elbaz
sold scratch tickets at school. “I took white sheets and made circles. With an eraser I put P or G, lost or won. I sold it for two euros. Then we had to scratch with the fountain pen (…) For the lost, I collected the two euros was a win, I gave four euros, I had a blast.”did he declare.

Marc Yahiaoui, for his part, confided that he… Peed on the handle of a teacher’s car door. Finally, Damien Canivez stuck ink cartridges to the ceiling so that they would fall on a teacher. Alas, these had fallen on his favorite teacher!



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