Léa Haddad (Star Academy) speaks out about her rushed marriage: “I wasn’t for it”

Léa Haddad (Star Academy) speaks out about her rushed marriage: “I wasn’t for it”
Léa Haddad (Star Academy) speaks out about her rushed marriage: “I wasn’t for it”

Usually very direct, Léa Haddad, however, remained silent on June 5 when she said “yes” to her companion during an intimate ceremony. It was only thanks to a few guests that Internet users learned of her union with Alon.

Invited on the Sam Zirah set twenty days after the event, the former candidate of the Star Academy finally agreed to talk about his marriage.

A hasty marriage

« You surprised everyone on the networks“, the star host first told him. To which the young woman who recently suffered a miscarriage replied: “ I’m a little shocked even, I didn’t expect it at all, I really surprised everyone« .

Most of her admirers did not actually expect the artist to get married, especially because her relationship with her husband is still recent. The two lovebirds have been a couple for less than a year.

« Honestly, We’ve been together for almost six months, it’s very recent. It’s a bit crazy, I know. (…) And I told myself that I didn’t have to justify myself“, explained Léa Haddad before adding: “ In all religions, it’s important to get married when you want kids or live with your boyfriend. (…) I wasn’t too much for basic. When I met him, I told myself he was the one. We are the same. And it’s a miracle that I got into a relationship« .

Léa Haddad talks about her meeting with Alon

During her interview with our colleague, the singer also returned to her meeting with her darling. My brother ran a restaurant and he was having a little trouble. It was heard everywhere and two young men came to help him“, she remembered.

« He is four years younger less than me and I tell him that I’m going to find him a girl. And it happened like that. We fell in love, everything made sense. We had the same values, the same principles, he’s crazy like mei« .

In heaven, Léa Haddad says she is now more fulfilled than ever. “ It really brought me closer to my family, my values ​​and religion. » Touching confidences.



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