“I won’t allow myself to reveal her name”, David Pujadas reveals why his daughter changed her last name

“I won’t allow myself to reveal her name”, David Pujadas reveals why his daughter changed her last name
“I won’t allow myself to reveal her name”, David Pujadas reveals why his daughter changed her last name

This Tuesday, David Pujadas was the guest of Buzz TV on the occasion 30 years of LCIthe TF1 group’s news channel.

The journalist remembered the launch on June 24, 1994. “ I remember it very well. For the TF1 group it was something very important. It was a desire of Martin Bouygues (the owner of the channel, editor’s note). It was one of his signatures to say: “JI want us to launch the first news channel in France”. (…) It was really his baby and for TF1, a bet for the future. » remembered the one who was present at the time.

An important moment for Daviid Pujadas who was beginning his career as a journalist. “ At the time, I had just spent six years as a reporter at TF1 and I was a junior presenter. I was with Ruth Elkrief in a duo. She was a senior and worked the hours, I did the half-hours in short bursts. It was my debut in a way, in presentation. » he explained.

David Pujadas: his daughter is also a journalist

During the interview, the journalist spoke about his family life and his passions. Aged 59, David Pujadas was questioned by journalist Damien Canivez about retirement. “You have passions, you have hobbies. Are you thinking about retirement? Do you think you will one day put your career as a presenter/producer aside to devote yourself entirely to tennis, swimming, and your family too? »

« Very important, family. I have 4 children, it’s a bath that helps you, that holds you. We are lucky to do jobs where we tell ourselves that there will not suddenly be a power outage and that everything will stop. We say to ourselves, I will always keep activities here or there, especially when you are a business manager. I don’t envision it in those terms but I happily envision long stretches of time where I could read a lot of novels, see a lot more films and see a lot more of my children too and their addiction, I hope. » he confides.

The journalist Sara Lecoeuvre then wants to know if among her children, one of them is a journalist. Positive response from David Pujadas. “ There is a journalist among them. (…) but being permanently her father’s daughter when she starts, she changed her name and I won’t allow myself to reveal it. »

An unexpected revelation for Damien Canivez and Sara Lecoeuvre, who will attempt “ to investigate family ties » they said with great humor on the Buzz TV set.



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