Maeva Ghennam campaigns, Jeremstar refuses 15,000 euros: when politicians flirt with influencers in view of the legislative elections

Maeva Ghennam campaigns, Jeremstar refuses 15,000 euros: when politicians flirt with influencers in view of the legislative elections
Maeva Ghennam campaigns, Jeremstar refuses 15,000 euros: when politicians flirt with influencers in view of the legislative elections

Do you know what I was just offered? To enter politics, to get involved in politics, because I have a lot of influence and everything“. On Tiktok, Marseille influencer Maeva Ghennam, known for her appearances in reality TV shows and who lives in Dubai, says “wanting to be on the side of poor people, not the rich” et “represent all the Maghreb”.

Between the office of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who telephones me, between there they make me a political proposal, frankly, I am thinking about it. Maeva Ghennam, politician. From reality TV candidate to politician. Classy, ​​I would dress in a suit all the time“, she comments.

“I could do meetings and meet-ups”

She promises to defend her subscribers at all times. “I would hold meetings, meet ups (!). It might suit me well. I thought about!“.

She also reveals having been incited, during the last presidential campaign for Macron, “to share to vote for him. I am sorry. It’s one of my biggest regrets. There, I invite you to go and vote for La France Insoumise”.

Support for an LFI candidate in Marseille

From reality TV candidate with 3.2 million subscribers to candidate in the legislative elections, the 27-year-old southerner has not taken the plunge in high heels, but she is getting involved in the field alongside the outgoing deputy for the 7th constituency from the Marseille city, Sébastien Delogu (LFI).

Maeva Ghennam regularly publishes stories on Instagram to support the elected official who, this Tuesday, June 25, 2024, was to be tried before the Marseille criminal court for violence committed in 2023, as part of the mobilization against pension reform, including the trial was postponed until January 2025.

Asked about this, lawyer Najwa El Haïté spoke of a “race to the bottom of politics. We are in the middle of mediocracy. At any level“, commented the former advisor to Manuel Valls, on Sud Radio. ” This is also why I stopped playing politics“.

Jeremstar refuses any paid proposal: “The vote is free”

“I have been approached on several occasions by political parties who offered me small remuneration so that I could talk about their ideas, their program”revealed on June 20, the influencer Jeremstar – Jérémy Gisclon in civilian life – as part of the campaign for the legislative elections of June 30 and 7, 2024.

Content creator says he was approached by political parties Jeremstar Instagram photo.

In a video posted on his TikTok account, the thirty-year-old followed by 2.4 million subscribers on Instagram assures that he was offered an offer of up to 15,000 euros to produce three stories and a post.where I would take a photo and film in the voting booth what I put in the envelope to encourage my community to vote the same“, he said in this video which is no longer available.

The young man, used to interviewing reality TV candidates, said he refused the proposal from a political party whose name he refuses to reveal.

“I don’t necessarily want to influence people to vote for this or that person“, the influencer commented. “The vote is free, I have absolutely no orders or advice to give“.

He also indicates on Instagram that he was harassed after the disclosure of this proposed “commercial” transaction, by people pressuring him to reveal the name of the political party.

This constant pressure forcing influencers and content creators to take a stand, even something they do not always control, is unbearable.“, he writes.



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