Pascal Praud makes fun of the speeches of Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram and talks about their big salaries

Pascal Praud makes fun of the speeches of Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram and talks about their big salaries
Pascal Praud makes fun of the speeches of Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram and talks about their big salaries

If many criticize Kylian Mbappé for not using his notoriety and remaining silent on important social issues, the captain of the French team silenced the bad tongues this Sunday June 16, 2024.

During a press conference, the future Real Madrid player called on the French to go to the polls on June 30 and July 7 for the early legislative elections. “I call on young people to go and vote, we see that the extremes are at the gates of power. We have the opportunity to choose the future of our country”he warned.

Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram call on the French to fight extremes

For his part, Marcus Thuram, the day before, did the same and called the French “to fight so that the RN does not pass”. Speeches which obviously caused a reaction among Jordan Bardella’s supporters but also among journalists.

Pascal Praud, for example, devoted his editorial on Monday June 17, 2024 to Kylian Mbappé’s recent speech. “Kylian Mbappé took a solemn tone, he spoke about himself in the third person. To announce to France that the moment is serious, that he, Kylian Mbappé, had to speak to the world and to the city”he recalled at first.

After highlighting the fact that the captain of the Blues called for “fight the extremes”, the CNEWS journalist added that “some are more extreme than others for the press officers of the good camp of which Mr. Mbappé is a figure”. “When he speaks of diversity, tolerance, or respect, everyone guesses that he is reciting the catechism of the anti-RN, who accept Mr. Poutou, candidate of the Popular Front, in the legislative election of Aude, but who shouts “no pass to Jordan Bardella and his friends”continues Pascal Praud.

Pascal Praud has fun with them

Regarding Marcus Thuram, the CNEWS journalist showed much more irony. Pascal Praud recalls that Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram are “citizens and as such have the right to express their beliefs”. In fact, they have the right to freedom of speech like everyone else.

But Marcus Thuram’s call challenged the CNEWS journalist on a specific point and he wanted to raise it. “At least, this declaration from Thuram will delight those who fight excessive wage inequalities”he recalled first before continuing: “Because if the Popular Front passes on July 7, salaries above 400,000 euros per year will be taxed at 90%. 400,000 euros is 20 times less than Thuram’s current income, I am sure that he will willingly accept this drastic reduction in his salary .

However, the journalist believes that Marcus Thuram will not be affected given that he plays for Inter Milan in the Italian championship and, in fact, resides in Italy.



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