“For two years, there was a romance”: Dany Boon and his partner Laurence Arné confide that their children fell in love with each other

“For two years, there was a romance”: Dany Boon and his partner Laurence Arné confide that their children fell in love with each other
“For two years, there was a romance”: Dany Boon and his partner Laurence Arné confide that their children fell in love with each other

On the occasion of the last issue before the summer of the show Quelle époque!, this Saturday June 15, 2024, Danny Boon and his partner Laurence Arné revealed that their children had developed romantic feelings towards each other.

This Saturday, June 15, on the occasion of the last show of its season, Quelle époque!, invited Laurence Arné and his companion Dany Boon to promote their latest film The Hennedricks Family which is scheduled for release on June 26.

“Our two youngest even fell in love”

The comedy film tells the story of Justine, a mother who wishes to ease tensions in her blended family by strengthening ties. She decides to take her son on a road trip with her new partner and her stepson.

On the set of the show, the two French actors revealed that, unlike the film, the meeting with their two children went very well.

Raphaël, 12 years old, son of Laurence Arnée, and Sarah, 14 years old, daughter of Dany Boon, fell in love with each other, the actors explain: “We were lucky, because it went pretty well. Our two youngest even fell in love. For two years, there was a romance…, confided director Laurence Arné. Dany Boon, for his part, said rather “anguish” by the situation.

It was ultimately Laurence Arné, who had to manage the separation between his son and Dany Boon’s daughter: It was harder for my son than for his daughter. It was hard“, confided the director.



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