“It’s vital”, Virginie Efira faced with a real medical emergency

Virginie Efira did the good days of the M6 ​​channel for many years. Emblematic figure of W9’s big sister, today the pretty blonde devotes herself fully in the cinema. At the end of the 2000s, this choice, judged too bold for manyultimately proved to be very successful.

Today, Virginie Efira stars in prestigious films and has become one of the French actresses the most bankable. His talent and his presence on screen allowed him to collaborate with renowned directors and winning several awards, thus consolidating his place in the film industry.

Virginie Efira opens up about one of the worst shoots of her life

Since the #MeToo movement, women’s speech has been considerably freed. More and more testimonies from women victims of moral or sexual harassment are emerging, helping to break the silence. In this regard, Virginie Efira shared her difficult experience with director Joachim Lafosse. Several of his collaborators denounce his methods which, under the pretext of creativity, create a toxic and disturbing environment.

According to a survey by our colleagues at Release, they accuse him of various behaviors that could be assimilated to moral or sexual harassment. Virginie Efira, who starred in the film ” Continue ” in 2019, remembers this shooting as one of the worst of his career : “He was trying to talk to me, I was running around saying, I don’t want to see you, I can’t see you anymore!” It was one of the funniest shoots in terms of pathos. I was 40 years old, he absolutely couldn’t fire me, I’m an already established actress. He pushed me to the limit (…).”

An actress engaged in multiple battles

Virginie Efira is a committed actress who uses her notoriety and visibility to support noble causes. She made her fight for gender equality a priority in her career. A passionate defender of women’s rights, she acknowledges having realized that she is part of the first generation of women to truly be able to benefit past struggles.

In the columns of our colleagues in the magazine Shethe actress confided: “Feminism was one of my parents’ values ​​(…) I had a father, when I was very young, who explained to me that marriage was inevitably a disaster (…) and who taught me the need for financial independence and autonomy ». However, his struggle for gender equality is not unanimous. In fact, theThe 47-year-old actress was accused of harming the cause of women. The reason ? Her nude scenes in films that would be likely to reduce “women to the status of sexualized objects“.

Virginie Efira mobilizes for a medical emergency

Virginie Efira, well known for her commitment to humanitarian causes, recently mobilized its social networks for a major campaign. This Friday, June 14, the actress used her Instagram account, followed by more than 500,000 subscribers For remind people of the importance of donating blood.

In an engaged story, she underlined: “ Donating blood is vital ». As a reminder, blood donations are essential to provide transfusions during surgical procedures, cancer treatments, serious accidents and other medical emergencies. Every donation can make a significant difference in providing a chance of survival to those in need.



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