this curious habit of…

this curious habit of…
this curious habit of…

In an exclusive interview with Purepeople, Julia Vignali spoke about her role as a mother since she gave birth to her son, now 17 years old.

Julia Vignali, presenter of the show “Affaire concluded”, becomes the godmother of the Leozan association to support Léon, a sick child met during the Telethon.

She shares her experience as a mother and her commitment to sick children, emphasizing the importance of protecting all children as if they were her own.

Vignali describes herself as a “mother hen,” emphasizing her role as a protective mother while recognizing the need to let her son become independent.

Julia Vignali is not only the presenter of the show Deal doneshe is also a committed woman who fights for sick children, and more particularly for Leon. A little boy suffering from giant axon neuropathy whom she met during the last Telethon. Touched by her story, she decides to become the godmother of the Leozan associationcreated to help him.

In the columns of Purepeople, Julia Vignali spoke about this fight which is close to her heart, but also about her 17-year-old son and her role as a mother. “Once you are a mother, each child is a little bit yours. That’s why you have trouble watching films where children are harmed. I think it’s very common”, she declares.

Julia Vignali considers herself a mother hen

Once we become a mother, we are constantly afraid that something bad will happen to our children. “We know very well that life does not protect us from these very unpleasant surprises. When it concerns our children, it’s unbearablebut when it concerns other people’s children too”she adds, referring to little Léon.

It is for this reason that the 48-year-old host is so “a mother hen” with her child. “If I listened to myself, I would live with my son until the end of my days, she slips. But the latter is aware that this is not the best thing to do.

“I can find out where he is.”

“But as I have read a lot of books on psychology or psychoanalysis and as I have led the Kindergartens, I know only too well that it is the opposite that must be done. We raise our children to see them and let them go. So that they can be independent and leave us happily, without worrying about us.”she explains.

Today, his 17 and a half year old son “live his life”. “We still agreed that I could geolocate it, with his agreement of course. So I can know where he is. There, normally, he must be in Paris with his father”she slips before checking her cell phone. “Yes, phew, there he is, he’s at his father’s house. Everything’s fine. I promise, in 6 months, when he’s 18, I’ll stop.” she concluded between two laughs.



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