Sturry, the videographer of Salomé: “Wrestling gave me everything”

Sturry, the videographer of Salomé: “Wrestling gave me everything”
Sturry, the videographer of Salomé: “Wrestling gave me everything”

96,000 subscribers on YouTube and 32,000 on Twitch. These figures, which are enough to make many videographers pale, are those of Sturry. For ten years, the 38-year-old has shared his passion for wrestling. His YouTube channel, C’est ça le Catch, has more than 36,000,000 views.

He’s the one who restored the image of wrestling on the Internetdeclares Norbert Feuillan, commentator on this sport. Before its arrival on Youtube, no one was talking about it with as much expertise on the subject, or with as much humor, or with decent means of production “. His partner, Ludivine, comes from an audiovisual background. With his help, Sturry will further develop his video editing skills. “ I may have gotten him started by giving him a little basic software training, but he quickly got on the horse and galloped away. “, she explains. It was in the ring that he began his career. The ICWA, a wrestling structure based in Laventie, will be the first to trust him… for a role of referee. “ Before refereeing, we had to learn the basics of wrestling: falls, placements, everything went very well “, explains Sturry. In 2007 and for two years, he traveled through France, Switzerland and Belgium. In 2009, a dispute with the founder pushed him to leave and create his own structure, N-Catch, based in Tourcoing then in Haisnes. Four years later and after 40 fights as a wrestler, weariness and an injury pushed him to stop. The rest takes place on the internet.

“I see a psychologist”

Behind the pseudonym Sturry, Philippe Marciniak. At the end of the 80s, it was a little boy who discovered the sport-entertainment of wrestling. “The passion was instilled in me by my dad, who put me on Canal + wrestling shows“. He pursues, “My heroes were the Ninja Turtles, Dragon Ball and wrestlers like Hulk Hogan or Undertaker». In the 2000s, it was an adult who took the risk of leaving his permanent contract to make a living from videos. “Thanks to the pandemic, the chain is starting to generate more income. At the same time, I’m starting Twitch“, he explains. “The job is no longer of any use to me: I earn more on the platforms. So I submitted my resignation. I see a psychologisthe said laughing, gain notoriety, whatever the scale, there is nothing in life that prepares you for it“. However, he regrets nothing, “Wrestling gave me everything: a job, friends and the woman of my life“. What more ?



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