Julie Le Breton: “All the guys my age are with much younger girls”

Julie LeBreton was on the podcast Everyone hates each otheran episode in which she addressed several very interesting subjects.

At one point, the podcast host, Marylène Gendron opened up about the fact that she is only attracted to men who are much older than her, confidences which pushed Julie to open up on the subject.

“(…) These men who are with younger girls (…) That bothers me challenge really a lot, that all the guys my age are with much younger girls, so after that it’s really harder for me to meet guys. Guys don’t want to be with me,” she says.

YouTube Capture @Everyone Hates Each Other

She then explains that, according to her, all men who have had children, who have separated, no longer want to be with their peers and want to be with girls who will look at them ascendant.

“(…) Because they were damaged in their masculinity in a certain way, in a relationship (…) this upward gaze there (…)”, she reflects, explaining that she therefore wonders if it is still possible to be in an equal relationship.

“(…) It seems very, very difficult (…) after that I was thinking about the guys a lot and I was like: But, there are girls, these are the girls, they have a crush on these guys too, these are 28 year old girls with 50 year old guys», continue Juliegreatly challenging Marylene who says they have been in this kind of relationship for a very long time.

The host therefore explains that she is looking for an age gap in a relationship since she needs to feel a feeling of admiration towards her partner, something she does not feel with men her age.

A little later, Julie opened up about the moment she became aware of this phenomenon.

“(…) Before the pandemic I was in a relationship (…) there was the pandemic and I moved away, I was in burn-outI was in heartbreak (…) I have the impression that before the pandemic I was in my early forties and I could still be an object of desire (…) I came out of the pandemic and it It was finished! (…) It was like, suddenly, you went to the other side (…),” she says.

YouTube Capture @Everyone Hates Each Other

She explains that many people talk about this phenomenon by calling it the invisibility of women and that before it happened to her, she didn’t really believe it.

The host therefore asked her how she noticed it.

“(…) It’s clear, it’s no longer… it’s very stupid, it’s not that I want to walk in the street and be ogled at (…) but, there is no longer this he has it, but much less, this kind of gaze focused on oneself or of… a kind of particular attention or a… just of feeling the possibility of seduction, it’s as if pouf it was gone, like a bubble that had burst and it was really challengeant (…)”, she explains, affirming that she does not think she has changed a lot and that it was a big shock to realize that men no longer saw her in the same way.

Julie claims to have never really focused on her appearance and believes that it must be extremely difficult for women who have always been valued by their beauty to experience this phenomenon.

“(…) You can understand that they become disappeared and they begin to intervene in a very radical way, because it is still violent (…),” continues the actress, who admits that the idea of ​​having surgeries has already crossed her mind, Additionally, because of her job, she is often seen in unflattering lighting and angles.

YouTube Capture @Everyone Hates Each Other

She also admits to having recently watched a film in which she plays and to having had difficulty watching herself.

“I had to Botox in the forehead, the famous… because otherwise I had all the time, you know, I’m super expressive, so I was like: I seem to be angry all the time! So this matter, I calmed it down, I calm it down sometimes, if I have a shoot and everything (…)”, she admits, explaining however that afterwards, it is easy to fall into a circle vicious and exaggerate, but for her part, she has put a mental limit on herself.

She says she started the injections Botox at 45, telling herself that she was going to do it as late as possible and that the day she reached the milestone, she should be able to take it on and say it.

A very interesting and frank interview between the presenters and Julie who showed great openness and honesty.

An episode that will certainly do a lot of good for many women in her situation.



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