Anne-Sophie Lapix: her sister Gaëlle makes herself known and reveals a huge scoop on the star of the 2 news

Anne-Sophie Lapix: her sister Gaëlle makes herself known and reveals a huge scoop on the star of the 2 news
Anne-Sophie Lapix: her sister Gaëlle makes herself known and reveals a huge scoop on the star of the France 2 news

It was a Saturday full of surprises for Anne-Sophie Lapix. Guest of the show C the weekly on 5the star journalist of the JT France 2 expected a quiet interview with Aurélie Casse. But that was without counting on a production twist.

While Aurélie Casse asks her what job she would have done if she had not become a journalist, she continues without letting her answer by broadcasting a unexpected video of his sister Gaëlle. The latter revealed the unsuspected talent by Anne-Sophie Lapix and which goes back to childhood. Here’s which one!

Anne-Sophie Lapix’s sister reveals an unexpected talent

When Aurélie Casse does not give Anne-Sophie Lapix time to respond and informs her that it is her sister, Gaëlle, who will explain it in video, she is under the surprise. The news presenter widen your eyes and lets out a big “Wow.”

In this video full of tenderness, Gaëlle Lapix does not miss compliments to his sister : “Since your earliest childhood, you have always been someone passionate“. We then learn amusing anecdotes about his childhood: “At seven years old, you had already created your own newspaper. Then, as you have a series of ideas, we know your development, you are became a super journalist whom I deeply admire.”

But that’s not all! Gaëlle Lapix does not stop at her sister’s professional exploits. She also releases some juicy revelations: “You have the meaning of the scene in addition. A great sense of rhythm, an outstanding dancer, you’ve played in films, you’ve participated in shows.” What the public did not know until now is that Anne-Sophie Lapix would also have a talent for humor…Yes, you heard correctly! “Since I was little, you write sketches to die of laughter. You have a sense of imitation because you have a very good ear.”declares his sister.

A future on stage for the journalist?

And, as if that were not enough, Gaëlle ends her statement with a real bomb : “When’s the one-woman show?”. A question that sounds like real challenge. So, is Anne-Sophie Lapix a future comedian on stage?

Going from journalist to comedian is not so far-fetched and proves that the journalist has more than one string to his bow. Only time will tell if she dares to take the plunge one day, but one thing is certain: she already has the support from his sister !



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