Sylvie Tellier (46 years old) evokes her husband’s fantasies, “He s*** me…

Sylvie Tellier (46 years old) evokes her husband’s fantasies, “He s*** me…
Sylvie Tellier (46 years old) evokes her husband’s fantasies, “He s*** me…

Par Maureen M.

– Published on Sep 28, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.modified on Sep 28, 2024 at 3:47 p.m.

The discreet type about her private life, Sylvie Tellier nevertheless confided in a particularly intimate subject: her husband’s fantasies.

Sylvie Tellier, true icon of the Miss competition and former director of the committee for more than 15 years, is much more than a simple beauty queen. Since her coronation in 2002, she has become an essential figure French media. Moreover, Sylvie Tellier published a biography, Crown and prejudicein which she looks back on her years at the head of the Miss France competition, her successes and her tensions, notably with Geneviève de Fontenay. But Sylvie Tellier never ceases to surprise, and his recent revelations in Les Grosses Têtes have amused more than one. Since August 2024, Sylvie Tellier has been part of the team of the radio show Les Grosses Têtes, hosted by Laurent Ruquier. She has quickly found its place among the chroniclers. Rather discreet, she nevertheless shared sometimes surprising anecdotes.

The great love of Sylvie Tellier: how Laurent transformed his life

Sylvie Tellier has an impressive career. Between Miss France, business manager, she surprised everyone by leaving the general committee of Miss France. On the heart side, here too the mother of three children is satisfied. After divorcing Camille Le Maux, the beautiful blonde found love in the arms of Laurent Schenten. However, the divorce was not an easy step for the former Miss. Indeed, for her, a family setting was essential: “ I come from a family of divorced parents. I thought that I would not reproduce this. […] I got divorced too. More some couples are made to live together for a long time, and then others less ».

However, with Laurent, she seems happier than ever: “ He loved me with my weaknesses, relearned the pleasure of being greedy […] He immediately integrated my son into our daily life. With him, I feel more like a woman. “. And it seems that Sylvie Tellier’s companion has a rather special hobby.

Unexpected confession: the former Miss makes Laurent Ruquier and his columnists burst out laughing

Thus, in Les Grosses Têtes this week, a subject particularly attracted the attention of listeners: foot fetish. Indeed, during a discussion on the set, the ex-Miss revealed a personal anecdote which triggered bursts of laughter. Conversation about foot fetishes is not uncommon in the world of Misses. Many have been targets of fans over the years to slightly specific requests. Sylvie Tellier confided that this phenomenon was not foreign to her: “As soon as we post a photo of our feet on the networks, It’s madness”.

But it was her revelation about her own husband that caused a sensation. Indeed, with humor and relaxation, the one who has long been criticized for her physique released this sentence: “It’s only my husband who sucks my feet.” A statement that immediately caused general hilarity on the board.

Sylvie Tellier opens up about an unusual subject: foot fetishism is the subject of debate

Laurent Ruquier and the other columnists could not contain their laughter at this unexpected confession. For Sylvie Tellier, however, this anecdote doesn’t make her uncomfortable. On the contrary, she did not hesitate to share the extract on her social networks. The proof that she fully assumes this “particular” confession. Unfortunately, this admission puts the spotlight on a reality experienced by many Miss France. There are many fetish fans, and some Misses have spoken about it openly. Delphine Wespiser, Miss France 2012, revealed that online communities had been formed around photos of her feet.

For her part, Diane Leyre, Miss France 2022, had even received an offer of 10,000 euros for a simple photo of her feet, which she had politely refused. The presence of Sylvie Tellier in Les Grosses Têtes brings a breath of fresh air on the plateau. And it must be said that the former Miss is off to a flying start. It promises for the future.



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