Alain Delon was buried with Poupouss, his frozen cat

Alain Delon was buried with Poupouss, his frozen cat
Alain Delon was buried with Poupouss, his frozen cat

OWe know that Delon had a passion for dogs, but he also had a thing for cats… In The Parisianwe learn that the actor was not buried alone: ​​he had expressly requested that his favorite cat be placed at his side for his final resting place.

This is in any case what his former driver and bodyguard Daniel Broussin, who attended the funeral, reported, specifying that Delon’s last wishes were respected: “In particular that Poupouss, the three-legged cat that the actor had frozen after his death, be placed with him in his coffin.”

A particularly strong bond united the Samurai with the cat Poupouss, whom he had saved from certain death by one day chartering a helicopter, according to his own testimony published by The Independent. “My wife at the time and my children were at the vet when they brought in this cat who had been hit by a car and whose leg was almost torn off. There was talk of putting him down. The children called me, I had the cat flown by helicopter to my Parisian vet, who amputated it. He has been home ever since.”

Revelations and anecdotes

When the cat dies, the actor cannot bring himself to bury it and decides to freeze the remains so that he can accompany it later in death. A proof of love and a somewhat strange situation that his son Alain-Fabien will evoke in an anecdote when he publishes his book Of the race of […] Read more



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