“I weigh three times as much as a Miss ”: Lou Pernaut courageously confides in her complex

“I weigh three times as much as a Miss ”: Lou Pernaut courageously confides in her complex
“I weigh three times as much as a Miss France”: Lou Pernaut courageously confides in her complex

For several years now, Lou Pernaut has launched into influence. On Instagram, for example, she is followed by nearly 200,000 Internet users and it is on this platform that she likes to share her daily life but also her struggles. The daughter of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who died in March 2022, fights in particular against cyberbullying. A subject that is close to her heart given that she is herself a victim, which does not help her to overcome her already well-established complexes.

I have a small mouth, small eyes, big teeth, I had protruding ears, I still have them a little. I don’t like my head actually“, she listed, not tender with herself, for the media Merci Handy, whose concept is to carry out an interview while looking at yourself in the mirror. “Today, complex number one is that I weigh three times as much as a Miss “, continued Lou Pernaut, daughter of Nathalie Marquay who was our Miss France in 1987.

Lou Pernaut very affected by criticism of her physique

Lou Pernaut (21 years old) then explains having “ended up accepting“his face but still having trouble handling criticism without falling into a form of”denial“. “My personality is filled with denial and things I pretend not to see. So the criticism and the negative opinions, and the fact that I don’t have confidence in myself, I act as if it doesn’t exist and I move forward because otherwise, I would never get there.“, she confided honestly, admitting to feeling helpless in the face of “the wickedness of people“and do your best to protect yourself from it so as not to sink:”Cyberbullying about my appearance is what affects me the most, almost after my family.“However, talking about it remains the best weapon to overcome it.”Today I am trying to raise awareness among young people about the dangers of cyberbullying, I have lots of projects related to that.” she announced.

The final word will nevertheless be positive.”I accept myself as I am. We’re not going to say that I love myself yet but I’m still incredible, I have a super funny personality that deserves to be highlighted so I prefer to see the positive for now” she said and that is the most important thing to remember!



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