Presenter Jérôme Bonaldi (Nulle part ailleurs) at the heart of a case of embezzlement of 348,000 euros

Presenter Jérôme Bonaldi (Nulle part ailleurs) at the heart of a case of embezzlement of 348,000 euros
Presenter Jérôme Bonaldi (Nulle part ailleurs) at the heart of a case of embezzlement of 348,000 euros

Known for having been a radio and television host and columnist, specializing in popular science, inventions and advertising, Jérôme Bonaldi is blowing out his 72nd candle this Tuesday, September 17. An opportunity to take an interest in him, and in particular to return to this dark story concerning him.

This Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the famous Jérôme Bonaldi celebrates his 72nd birthday. As a reminder, he distinguished himself a few years ago at Inter, before joining the ranks of Canal + (where he was notably a columnist for Nowhere else) or those of France Télévisions. A key figure in the media, specializing in popular scienceinventions and advertising, he gradually disappeared from the screens, taking refuge on the island of Ré, where he owns a pretty house.

But recently, he, in spite of himself, experienced a little mishap. Indeed, the man who has chaired the national association for the development of social and solidarity grocery stores since 2008, saw the director of this structure forge his signature to embezzle 348,000 eurosThe latter was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended, and to the confiscation of his real estate assets, Monday, June 24, 2024, by the criminal court.

Heavy sanctions for this director

This sixty-year-old, who founded Andes in 2000 and directed it for more than fifteen years, was suspected of having, twice, in 2013 and 2014, increased his salary via two amendments at the bottom of which he had forged the signature of Jérôme Bonaldi.In a short time, his salary had thus increased from 3,600 euros to 12,000 euros per months. Not to mention the 100,000 euros in expenses that he had reimbursed with the money…

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