The increases are particularly notable in organizations like Stib, Actiris or Bruxelles Environnement. At Actiris, we give several explanations: the launch of the ‘Youth Guarantee’ in 2015, new skills allocated as part of the latest State reform and additional resources granted at the time of Covid. And to add that the trend is “downward” since 2019 thanks to the non-replacement of one in two departures and the moratorium which freezes commitments. At the Stib, we talk about “the strong evolution of the public transport offer”.
In Belgium, the number of workers over 60 has increased by 60% in five years
Financial context
The impact in budgetary terms is significant. According to an article from Standard published at the end of December, personnel expenses increased from 1.2 billion in 2018 to 1.8 billion in 2024, an increase of 50%. A substantial amount which continues to increase due to the indexation of salaries.
These sharp increases are part of a particularly delicate financial context for the Brussels-Capital Region. The deficit of 1.4 billion forecast for 2025 represents 25% of revenues (5.5 billion). It’s colossal, just like the debt of 16 billion euros expected for 2025.
-Some analysts fear a deterioration in the rating of the Brussels Region. The next government will therefore have no other choice than to impose a policy of austerity. Because the room for maneuver is narrow in terms of revenue, these coming mainly from allocations set by the financing law and to a lesser extent from tax revenue. Regional taxes include inheritance taxes.
If productivity continues to stagnate in Belgium, a 50 billion hole awaits public finances
So that leaves the expenses. For many economists, it is clear that this table demonstrates that there is room for savings. And to question the usefulness of certain organizations, or in any case the importance of their workforce or possible duplication, such as the economic development agency or even Perspective and Urban. brussels.
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