When Michel Barnier promised not to use hurtful words like Emmanuel Macron

When Michel Barnier promised not to use hurtful words like Emmanuel Macron

POLICY – ” The people below “, that’s an expression that doesn’t go down well. At Matignon on Thursday September 5 for his transfer of power with Gabriel Attal, Michel Barnier was criticized by the left for these few words that hit the mark.

Michel Barnier speaks of “people at the bottom” during the transfer of power and angers the left

Speaking of his desire not to govern alone, the Prime Minister said: ” I can think of many examples of progress, big or small, that has been made thanks to ideas, good ideas, good solutions brought by people at the bottom… which must be respected.”

“You will never hear me say…”

Respect for all, Michel Barnier had nevertheless promised this on numerous occasions. You will never hear me say that there are people who are nothing,” he hammered in 2021. Michel Barnier, little known to the general public, is then one of the candidates of the Republicans for the upcoming presidential election. His angle of attack: to stand out from Emmanuel Macron, whose way of governing he judges ” lonely and arrogant ».

So he repeats on TV sets not only that he will not speak “ Never » « people who are nothing “, contrary to what Emmanuel Macron said in 2017. He also insists that he will not use the expression ” first of the rope “, which had caused so much talk in the mouth of the new president, during his first interview after the elections, on October 15, 2017. It would seem, however, that in 2024, the ” people who are nothing » have transformed into « people from below ».

Also see on Le HuffPost:

Michel Barnier Prime Minister: these files that Gabriel Attal left to the new tenant of Matignon

Michel Barnier, Prime Minister, Lucie Castets sees this as a decision “that goes against institutional logic”


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