“It cost me my husband”

“It cost me my husband”

People who want to have a child and have had a miscarriage know how traumatic it can be. This sad phenomenon usually occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy, but there are rarer cases of late miscarriages, which result in the death of the fetus between the 3rd and 6th month of pregnancy.

In 2001, Christine Kelly was six months pregnant when she lost her twins. More than 20 years later, she speaks of the violence of this loss, and the long trauma that followed.

Interviewed by Dominique Lagrou-Sempère, on his YouTube channel “Entre vous et moi”, on September 2, 2024, Christine Kelly looks back on the event. “It was October 12, 2001,” she remembers. On that date, while she was pregnant with twins, she learned that her babies had died, that she would have to give birth to stillborn children.

A shock, and above all a trauma, that lasted for more than a decade. “It’s a pain that I dragged around for ten years. As soon as I saw a child or a mother – even in fiction – who had lost her child, I cried non-stop,” she confides with emotion.

The pain of losing her children was soon combined with a break-up, which the journalist reluctantly wanted. “What was left of me? Well, it cost me a divorce. I couldn’t stand my husband at the time anymore, and yet I loved him.”

A divorce, then, but also a persistent fear of experiencing another pregnancy, and of undergoing the same ordeal. “It cost me the fact that I never wanted to get pregnant again because it scared me to bring a child into the world. And it made me humble in the face of life and to accept it as it is.”

Finally, it was through adoption that Christine Kelly became the mother of a little girl, named Léa, born in 2014. “Having a daughter is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I like to educate, share, transmit, fill an empty vase with strength, with values ​​such as work, spirituality, respect, in this world so shaken. I pass on to my daughter my strengths as well as my weaknesses. My daughter gives me a reason to live and I feel useful,” she confided in the columns of Gala magazine, in October 2020.

Today, she believes that it is also time that has helped her heal: “I think that the best ally in moments like this is time. But we absolutely have to look at the extent to which life renews itself and there is a need for positivity,” she concludes.

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