SES-Imagotag attacked by Gotham City Research: never forget to take profits!

SES-Imagotag attacked by Gotham City Research: never forget to take profits!
SES-Imagotag attacked by Gotham City Research: never forget to take profits!

The title of the world’s number one electronic label is suspended from trading. The stock could collapse when trading resumes. Hedge fund Gotham City Research, already known for bringing Gowex down in July 2014, accuses the account group of “ misleading, incorrect and incomplete “.

Doesn’t this story remind you of what happened to Casino in 2015? The Muddy Waters fund had denounced a lack of transparency in the accounts and deemed the excessive debt. The American speculator had accused the distributor of ” deception » and he had estimated that the true value of the title was 6.91 euros, while it was listed at 97 euros at the time. We know the rest. Casino is only worth 8.2 euros on the stock market.

SES-imagotag is not a Casino

The story of SES-imagotag can, of course, end much better than that of Casino. And we can also question the actions of these funds which accuse on one side, while they sell short, on the other!

The file is indeed very different from that of Casino. The group is not in debt and its financial communication is more transparent than that of the Saint-Etienne distributor, with its cascade of holding companies. The only link between the two cases is an injunction: knowing how to take profits on the stock market when a stock performs well. You never know what can happen.

This incident, if it ends well, could offer an opportunity to buy cheaply. But those who took some of their profits after the stock soared on the announcement of the magnificent contract with Walmart are more comfortable today.

Gotham City Research report on SES-imagotag

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