Tech must regain its virility! Really?

Tech must regain its virility! Really?
Tech must regain its virility! Really?

Published on January 24, 2025 at 07:05. / Modified on January 24, 2025 at 10:04 p.m.

2 mins. reading

It seems that Silicon Valley finally has the solution to all its problems: regaining its lost virility. At least, that’s what Mark Zuckerberg, in his infinite wisdom, makes us believe. Gone are the equity and diversity policies that have apparently “emasculated” Meta in recent years. Make way for the triumphant return of rediscovered virility.

In anticipation of this masculine renaissance, under the cover of “outspokenness” and “taking back control,” let’s talk numbers and artificial intelligence. The irony is that we approach “virility” as a guarantee of success… However, studies such as «The Cost of The Man Box”, published in 2019, reveals that the stereotypes of virility so praised by some cost American companies a modest sum of $15.7 billion per year. In Switzerland, stress-related work stoppages have increased by 50% since 2012, costing the economy around 10 billion francs per year.

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