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Is it true that sharks can’t get cancer?

Is it true that sharks can’t get cancer?

Although shark fin consumption is highly prized in Asia for its medicinal properties, it is not true that it protects against the onset of cancer. What is true, however, is that sharks develop very few cancers and this is of great interest to researchers. Sharks’ high resistance to cancer apparently stems from their genes. At least, this is what a recent American study by Cornwell University in collaboration with Nova Southeastern University tends to demonstrate, but which has only explored the tip of the iceberg regarding the important role that this discovery could have in human medicine.

Known to doctors since ancient times, cancer is not just one disease. It is a group of diseases that are very different from each other, which is why we should rather speak of cancers in the plural. According to medicine, cancer occurs after a dysfunction of certain cells that multiply in an anarchic manner and proliferate until they form metastases. Cancer kills when treatments fail to stop the proliferation of tumors. Some cancers offer a better chance of survival than others depending on their location in the body, how early they are detected, as well as the age and overall health of the patient.

Based on their research on sharks, the researchers have (…)

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