Since January 1, 2025, Cameroonians using Mobile Money services have had to pay additional fees for each money withdrawal or transfer. In accordance with the new 2025 finance law, a specific tax of 4 FCFA per transaction has been introduced, in addition to the tax of 0.2% on electronic transactions, in force since 2022. This rate has also been increased to 1 % for operations linked to games of chance.
According to the Ministry of Finance, this reform aims to maximize tax revenues while exploiting the growing potential of Mobile Money services, which have become an essential pillar of the digital economy in Cameroon. However, criticisms emerge. The IMF, in a 2022 report, had already warned of the impact of these taxes on financial inclusion, emphasizing that rural and unbanked populations are particularly vulnerable to such measures.
This tax increase could make Mobile Money services less accessible to low-income populations, leading to increased costs for essential transactions. In addition, banks and microfinance institutions, previously exempt, are now subject to the same rates, which could impact their business models.
Despite this, the authorities perceive this sector as a strategic tax niche, while Mobile Money continues to develop at a sustained pace. Operators, for their part, are concerned about the potential repercussions on their customers and on the competitiveness of services.