EDF overhauls the design of the European Nuward SMR

EDF overhauls the design of the European Nuward SMR
EDF overhauls the design of the European Nuward SMR

Based on initial feedback on market expectations and with the concept having reached the detailed pre-project phase, the decision was made to revise the Nuward SMR project. In order to ensure that deadlines and budgets are met, the revised version will need to rely on already existing and proven technologies.

This Monday, July 1st, following press rumors, EDF confirmed that Nuward’s governance has taken the decision to overhaul the design of its SMR, developed with TechnicAtome, CEA, Framatome and Naval Group. A direction taken at a crucial moment in the development of the reactor when it has reached the basic design phase (detailed preliminary project).

This overhaul of Nuward’s design was undertaken based on feedback from early prospects in Europe, a review by six safety authorities (a unique case in the world), and an international advisory committee (composed of 11 specialist entities). The aim is to meet market expectations by “derisking” this project.

Rest on a solid foundation

One of the demands of potential customers, as seen in the recent decision of Vattenfal in Sweden, is to rely exclusively on proven technological building blocks, in order to guarantee the respect of deadlines and budgets. Nuward is today the only third-generation SMR project led by a European (EU) player. This particularity is key to face European competition from GE or Westinghouse. Meeting the expectations of the European market is critical for the development of Nuward, whose competitiveness will depend on series effects.

While the third generation is already the most mature of the technologies, it was decided to further simplify Nuward by focusing on “off-the-shelf” technologies. In particular, the innovative idea of ​​an integrated boiler (grouping tank and steam generators) is discarded to return to a more classic design and thus improve technical feasibility, reduce costs and construction times.

Electricity and heat

With a capacity of twice 540 MWth (2×170 MWe or 310MWe/100MWth), the Nuward reactor must meet Europe’s decarbonization needs in terms of electricity and heat production. Today, the European electricity mix is ​​still composed of more than 36% fossil fuels. As for industrial and urban heat, it accounts for around 50% of the final energy consumed in France and is produced 60% with fossil fuels, mainly gas. SMRs, such as the Nuward, are suitable for replacing coal-fired power plants site by site or for supplying large industrial sites.

The challenge of making SMR designs more reliable is not just a concern for Nuward in France. In the United States, where there is strong federal support for these small reactors, the emphasis is on proven technologies to move to the deployment stage. Thus, last March, the Department of Energy (DOE) launched a specific campaign for the deployment of two light water reactors with mature designs. The two winners are yet to be announced, but for example, “simple” designs such as GE’s BWRX300 (a miniature version of the ESBWR/ABWR boiling water reactor) seem to be in the lead.■



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