Innovation. A revolutionary and flexible cement to combat cracks caused by drought!

Innovation. A revolutionary and flexible cement to combat cracks caused by drought!
Innovation. A revolutionary and flexible cement to combat cracks caused by drought!

You know what I think of the phrase “we must leave a planet in good condition to our children” which is only valid if we do not forget to specify the second part of the statement and especially of the equation!

We must also leave the planet with healthy children so that they can adapt, innovate, find solutions that have eluded us and go further than where we have arrived.

Science and technology cannot do everything, but they can do a lot, and forgetting that is stupid.

Almost every homeowner is now familiar with the stories of “clay shrinkage and swelling” which cause cracks in homes, caused by drought, and represent a major challenge for many homeowners.

Well, a group of American researchers may have found an innovative solution. Inspired by nature, this revolutionary cement promises to transform the way we approach structural cracks. But what exactly is it? Let’s discover together this invention and its incredible potential.

Traditionally, concrete has to be injected underground, which is expensive. The cement developed by Reza Moini’s team could change that. The material is inspired by oyster shells and is 17 times stronger than standard cement. But that’s not all. The ability of this cement to stretch 19 times more without breaking is revolutionary. It could move with the house, preventing cracks from getting bigger. This would make houses more durable in the face of climatic hazards. Repair costs could be significantly reduced.”

Here you have an innovation that will not prevent global warming, but will allow us to adapt to some of the unpleasant side effects we face, by allowing us to repair our habitats at lower cost and therefore also by polluting less since the repair avoids the need for new construction.

Charles SANNAT

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“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin.
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“By trying to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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