Aurore Galves’ Bitcoin Application Results ‘Beyond Expectations’

Aurore Galves’ Bitcoin Application Results ‘Beyond Expectations’
Aurore Galves’ Bitcoin Application Results ‘Beyond Expectations’

Aurore Galves Orjol, Bitcoin candidate in the 8th constituency of Isère, did not win the legislative elections, but managed to get Bitcoin talked about on the political scene. This first Bitcoin candidacy in France represents a significant step forward for the decentralized currency in the public debate.

A defeat in the legislative elections, which is, in reality, a small victory for Bitcoin

After the counting of votes for the 2024 legislative elections, several unprecedented events have taken place, including a record turnout of around 70%, the highest since the 1997 legislative elections.

Another notable fact, The Bitcoin candidacy filed by Aurore Galves Orjol in the 8th constituency of Isère received 91 votes, or 0.16% of the votes. Considering that this candidacy was improvised almost at the last minute, that it was the first of its kind in France, and that it took place in a small constituency, We can call it a small victory for Bitcoin.

To learn more about the Bitcoin candidacy, check out our interview with the candidate and her alternate

For information, the 8th constituency of Isère voted 39.92% for the far-right union, 24.5% for the left-wing union, 20.49% for the presidential party Ensemble!, 13.84% for the Les Républicains party, and 1.09% for the far-left party.

In response to the results, Aurore expressed herself in a publication on the X network:

According to the candidate, “These first Orange votes in 28 of the 30 villages with ballots are historic and confirm our initial convictions.”

Last week, we welcomed Aurore and her substitute, Nicolas Cantu, in a live audio on the X network. They told us about the difficulties encountered during this campaign. Due to lack of resources, money and support, the Bitcoin camp was unable to drop off ballots at all polling stations, put up enough posters or conduct a broader campaign to convince more voters..

What did Aurore propose with her orange candidacy?

Although the campaign did not result in a clear victory, it does hold great promise for the future of Bitcoin in politics. Aurore Galves nevertheless managed to make noise thanks to this candidacy and amass 91 votes in a sparsely populated constituency in France.. Here is a brief reminder of what she proposed:

  • Promoting Bitcoin to Defend Citizen Sovereignty :
    Aurore and Nicolas wanted to highlight the importance of the notion of “custody” among Bitcoiners, and that it be shared with the entire population, allowing citizens to have total control over their money. They denounce the flaws in government infrastructures, arguing that Bitcoin could offer more advanced monetary sovereignty.
  • Using Bitcoin mining for an effective ecological transition :
    They propose using Bitcoin mining to reduce energy waste and methane emissions. In our interview, Nicolas stressed the importance of education and spreading information to allow everyone to benefit from the advantages that Bitcoin mining offers.
  • Protecting Privacy On and Off the Internet :
    The Bitcoin camp denounces centralized central bank digital currency (CBDC) projects that compromise the privacy of its users. It particularly emphasizes the risks of surveillance and the promotion of privacy tools to protect themselves.

Also read in the news – MiCA: new rules on stablecoins come into force — What does this change?

Finally, the candidacy had mainly 2 objectives: to get people talking about Bitcoin and to propose an alternative to the blank vote that is not counted. While offering a political option focused on digital, energy and monetary resilience.

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First attracted by the lure of gain, I am now trapped deep into the rabbit hole. With no way out, I have no choice but to share my knowledge and transmit the passion I have for the blockchain universe. I am also the creator of Adopt a Block, an educational site dedicated to Bitcoin.

Marius Farashi Tasooji

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