three major increases expected at the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, are you concerned?

three major increases expected at the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, are you concerned?
three major increases expected at the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, are you concerned?

The dissolution of the National Assembly has raised many questions about pension reform, but some measures taken before this situation are unlikely to change. Indeed, three increases are expected by the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. Find out more.

The dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9 by the President of the Republic has been making headlines for weeks. While after this dissolution, the National Rally wants the retirement age to be reduced to 62, the government has not yet said anything about the various changes that will take place subsequently. Indeed, thanks to the early legislative elections, the veil on the future of pension reform has been lifted. However, the revaluations announced during the pension reform of September 2023 will take place as planned and in no way depend on the outcome of the elections. We tell you everything on the subject.

Revaluations of different pensions

Mico bull market

In October 2023, theRetirement insurance announced the revaluation of 500,000 small pensions by an average of 50 euros. However, initially, the planned increase was supposed to affect more than a million retirees and so far, we are far from the mark. Indeed, the boost of up to 100 euros per month thanks to the increase in the Mico only benefits half of those concerned, recalls MoneyVox. According to the organization responsible for paying this exceptional increase, pensioners waiting will have to wait until September 2024. This is the maximum deadline provided for in the note from the National Old Age Insurance Fund mentioning this financial aid.

Increase in supplementary pension

Each year, the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension is increased at the beginning of November. Moreover, the agreement signed between the unions and the employers stipulates that the value of the point must increase at the same time as the consumer prices excluding tobacco assessed for the current year, less the support factor estimated at 0.40 points. For the moment, the Insee has not yet given the estimate of theinflation annual for this year during the electoral reserve period. If in March, retirees of the Agirc-Arrco supplement were certain to benefit from an increase thanks to the new CSG rate, this time things are slightly unclear concerning the new increase. To know the estimate of inflation, we will have to wait until July 9 when the INSEE note is revealed in relation to the quarterly economic situation.

Revaluation of the basic pension

THE basic pensions are revalued every January 1, except in exceptional cases. This increase is based on inflation excluding tobacco, calculated on the last 12 monthly indices provided by INSEE. However, this measure should apply in October 2024 and the increase could exceed last year’s 2%.

Additional information regarding planned increases

Will the increase be paid with the pension?

Renaud Villard, the general director of Cnav, confirmed last March that the payment will indeed take place at the period agreed during the pension reform. However, there is no indication that this exceptional increase will be paid at the same time as the September retirement pension, that is, at the beginning of October. The director did not give any specific answer on the subject due to the early legislative elections expected soon.

Estimation of inflation and indexation of pensions to inflation

Although the increase in Agirc-Arrco supplementary pensions is not known, it is estimated that it should increase by more than 2% in November 2024. Let us recall that in November 2022, it was 5.12% and 4.9% in the same month last year. In addition, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal recently mentioned a pension indexation on inflation. According to a union sourcethis statement is seen as a decision not to under-index pensions.

Received a letter this summer

After the revaluation of 500,000 small pensions, it will soon be the turn of the remaining pensioners. Indeed, the latter will receive a letter during the summer informing them of the amount of the boost and that of the catch-up of the missing 12 months since thefinancial aidand is due to them as of the pension reform.



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