“In the public service, many ongoing reforms are not progressing, namely the creation of a legal framework for teleworking,” deplores the Chamber of Civil Servants and Public Employees, in an opinion on the bill concerning teleworking. state revenue and expenditure budget for fiscal year 2025, released this Tuesday.
In the 2023-2028 coalition agreement, the government effectively commits to developing a legal framework for teleworking, in order to promote a “better balance” between professional and personal life, “while guaranteeing” the right to disconnect.
But he recalls in the document that teleworking should become “neither a right nor an obligation”. “It is always done on the basis of a common agreement between the worker and the employer,” he emphasizes. The terms will be defined between them. For example, Amazon has put an end to teleworking.
Regarding teleworking for cross-border workers, the executive indicates that it “will take the necessary steps” to improve tax and social security conditions in order to increase the use of teleworking, “taking into account the agreement between social partners”.
“Thus, discussions with neighboring countries will be continued in order to increase the number of annual days authorized for cross-border workers,” he notes. At the European Union level, discussions will continue to relax social security rules to further facilitate teleworking.
As a reminder, the tax threshold for teleworking for French, German and Belgian cross-border workers is 34 days, under penalty of double taxation. In addition, a social security threshold prevents teleworking from exceeding 49% in Luxembourg, under penalty of losing one’s affiliation with the CNS.