“Nothing left to lose”: their car ruined because of the PureTech engine, they want to make Stellantis pay

“Nothing left to lose”: their car ruined because of the PureTech engine, they want to make Stellantis pay
“Nothing left to lose”: their car ruined because of the PureTech engine, they want to make Stellantis pay


Jade Lacroix

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 6:41 p.m.

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Soon a legal action against Stellantis ? THE 4,800 motorists gathered in a Collective action decide this Tuesday, June 18, 2024 on the follow-up to be given to their movement.

Everyone had problems with their vehicle Peugeot, Citroën, DS or even Opelequipped with an engine with a bad reputation: the 1.2 PureTech.

Contacted by actu.frthe plaintiffs’ lawyer, Maître Christophe Lèguevaques, assures that there will be no no compensation motorists following talks with the manufacturer. For the plaintiffs, this is only the beginning of the obstacle course to receive compensation.


Deterioration of the belt, clogging of the cylinder head, excess oil consumption, etc. 500,000 vehicles would be affected by these dysfunctions. However, this engine with its three cylinders was an innovation when it was launched in 2012. It was even elected best engine four years in a row.

The engine was created to meet cost reduction requirements and to comply with European standards.

Rubber belts, a flexible element allowing movement to be transmitted, are called “wet”, that is to say they are bathed in engine oil.

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But the wear of the belt, which disintegrates over time, will pollute the engine oil, disrupting its lubrication. This is what is at the origin of the malfunctions of the 1.2 PureTech.

Several recall campaigns

In 2020, Stellantis, a merger of PSA and Fiat Chrysler, faces a first official recall campaign. 220,000 models produced between 2013 and 2017 are affected. A new recall announced in 2022. This time, vehicles produced after 2017 are targeted.

And since the end of 2020, the belt replacement deadline has been reduced to six years or 100,000 km, compared to 10 years and 175,000 km previously.

“I have nothing left to lose”

In 2019, Pierre bought a Peugeot 208 equipped with a PureTech engine. “I knew this engine since it had been voted engine of the year,” remembers the 32-year-old from Rennes. Four years later, during a trip downtown, the engine of his 208 is failing. “Luckily, I managed to get to the side of the road. I came close to disaster. »

After a trip to the garage, verdict: the timing belt failed, which damaged the engine. Pierre contacts customer service who advises him to go to an approved garage. The bill is steep: 8,000 euros to change the engine.

By making inquiries, he learned of the failure of the 1.2 PureTech and reported it to customer service.

I am assured that it is a lubrication problem because I did not do my last maintenance and because of that I cannot be reimbursed. They end up telling me that my request has been processed, that there is nothing they can do.

RockFormer owner of a Peugeot 208

Destitute, he does research on the internet and comes across collective action. He who sold his car 12,000 euros less than the purchase price, wants to be compensated.

“If they don’t want to compensate me, I’m in favor of taking legal action. I have nothing more to lose. » It remains to be seen the opinion of the other complainants. This Tuesday, June 18, 2024, they will all have to submit to a questionnaire to decide on their next course of action.

4,800 plaintiffs grouped together in a class action

The collective action begins in October 2023 on the MyLeo online platform. The objective of bringing together 1,000 plaintiffs has been largely exceeded by the time registrations close in January 2024. They are represented by three lawyers from the Paris and Toulouse bars, including Christophe Lèguevaques. He is the figurehead of known collective actions, such as that of chlordecone and Levothyrox.

In addition to this collective action, a Facebook group called PSA 1.2 Puretech Problems: Belt, Overconsumption of Oil, HS Engine brings together 32,000 members.

Label, warranty extension: insufficient proposals

At the end of February, the manufacturer indicated that it was open to dialogue. The lawyers then began talks, which were to last until June 30. The objective being to obtain compensation according to a scale imagined by the plaintiffs.

Stellantis only offers compensation to owners of vehicles with broken engines, on a case-by-case basis, and warranty extension up to two years. To certify the durability of vehicles in the event of resale and guarantee their value, the group, led by Carlos Tavares, wants to set up a ” label “. .

The manufacturer was already in turmoil with its Takata airbags accused of being potentially explosive and dangerous. More than 8 million vehicles Citroën and DS were recalled in Europewhich makes it biggest recall campaign in automotive history.

Contacted, Stellantis did not respond to our requests.

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