passengers locked in a cabin reaching more than 50 degrees

passengers locked in a cabin reaching more than 50 degrees
passengers locked in a cabin reaching more than 50 degrees

Lweeks pass and incidents involving Boeing continue to multiply. Recently, passengers were stranded on board a Mavi Gök airline Boeing 737-800, which was scheduled to fly from Antalya, Turkey, to Münster, Germany. They found themselves locked in the cabin where the temperature reached 50 degrees.

In question ? The air conditioning broke down. The aircraft had to wait for almost an hour on the runway. According to the story of a passenger reported by the German daily Bild, the crew members provided very little help to the travelers. They continued preparations for the flight as if nothing had happened. A doctor, who spoke Turkish, alerted the crew to the passengers’ state of health. According to another German media, Focussome of them even had to lie down in the aisle of the Boeing.

READ ALSO Switzerland: a Boeing bounces on a landing strip and takes off urgently

The passengers eventually changed planes and were still able to return home that day, almost four hours late. A dramatic situation since, among them, there were several children. A passenger claims to have helped a five-month-old baby who seemed increasingly pale. She tried fanning the child, but it did little to help with the stifling heat.

Boeing enters turbulence zone

After several days of silence, the airline finally spoke out. She mentioned a “problem […] Read more



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