Labor shortage: Economiesuisse and the UPS are alarmed

Labor shortage: Economiesuisse and the UPS are alarmed
Labor shortage: Economiesuisse and the UPS are alarmed

Labor shortage

Economiesuisse and UPS sound the alarm

According to the two associations, there could be a shortage of up to 460,000 employees in Switzerland by 2035. They are calling for political measures.

Published today at 9:48 a.m.

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The labor shortage is a known challenge for Switzerland. Economiesuisse and the Swiss Employers’ Union (UPS) have now provided figures to support their concerns: by 2035, there could be a shortage of 297,000 employees, or even 460,000.

In the medium and long term, the labor shortage will worsen structurally: the potential of indigenous labor will decrease due to the retirements of the generation of the 1960s, the famous babies. boomers. And the next generation is less numerous, recalls the study by the economic umbrella and the UPS, published Thursday.

According to their calculations, the indigenous supply will decrease by some 297,000 full-time employees by 2035. On the other hand, 163,000 additional employees would be needed to maintain prosperity. In total, the economy estimates that there will be a shortage of around 460,000 employees in Switzerland in 10 years.

Both associations are calling for political measures. It’s about making better use of Swiss labor. But the country will not be able to do without foreigners.


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