Aeronautics: Brazilian Embraer will source aircraft parts from Midparc

Aeronautics: Brazilian Embraer will source aircraft parts from Midparc
Aeronautics: Brazilian Embraer will source aircraft parts from Midparc

Morocco and Brazil have decided to establish a strategic dialogue aimed at consecrating the solid and long-standing partnership which links the two countries and whose modalities and working groups will be specified later.

The conclusion of new agreements and memorandums of understanding finalized or at an advanced stage of finalization will give new impetus to the bilateral partnership and will allow institutional actors and economic operators from both countries to implement innovative initiatives, actions and projects in several areas of common interest.

These include a memorandum of understanding relating to the research, development and purchase of aeronautical parts manufactured by the Midparc industrial park, between Embraer and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The Brazilian aircraft manufacturer has been closely interested, for some time, in the Moroccan aeronautical ecosystem, and especially in the possibility of obtaining aircraft parts to supply its industrial units installed in Portugal.

At the beginning of last March, the landing in the Kingdom of the KC-390 twinjet aroused media interest, especially as it came a few weeks after the visit of officers of the Royal Air Forces (FRA) to Portugal to discover the aircraft up close. . A little less than a year earlier, it was RAM which announced the acquisition of ten aircraft, including two Embraers, to strengthen its fleet as part of its development program.

That said, among other agreements pending conclusion, we can cite, by way of example, the agreement on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federative Republic of Brazil, the memorandum of understanding on the promotion of Tanger Med as a logistics platform among Brazilian operators, between Tanger Med Special Agency (TMSA) and the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce as well as the memorandum of understanding on the organization of the Business Forum, between the Moroccan Agency of Development of Investments and Exports (AMDIE) and the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

Note that a joint press release has just been made public following the talks held, Friday in Rabat, between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Mauro Vieira.

Both parties welcomed the excellent quality of the partnership between Morocco and Brazil, reaffirming the commitment to optimize its great potential, particularly in the areas of agri-food, the green economy and logistics. .

The two ministers also welcomed the establishment of a Business Forum in the coming months, which should further strengthen commercial relations between the two countries, promote new synergies between public and private actors and strengthen complementarity between different productive sectors in Morocco and Brazil.



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