Climate change: shorter ski seasons await Quebecers

Climate change: shorter ski seasons await Quebecers
Climate change: shorter ski seasons await Quebecers

Ski enthusiasts should expect shorter ski seasons in the coming years in Quebec, in particular because of the reduction in snow cover caused by climate change.

“The main conclusions are that we expect a reduction in natural snow cover in Quebec over the coming decades, and that will mean that the ski season will be shorter, so approximately [de] 5 to 10 days fewer per year on average, by 2050,” explained Christopher McCray, specialist in climate simulation and analysis at Ouranos.

Global warming and therefore increased temperatures risk causing more rain in winter, and more freeze-thaw episodes, according to the specialist.

Photo d’archives, Stevens LeBlanc

In this new Ouranos study, where we aimed to analyze the vulnerability system of different ski resorts, we took into account other seasons, which can also have an impact on winter, such as torrential rains.

“What is interesting about the report is that the scientists looked at the impact of climate on our operations and what will be the best ways of doing things in the future. Then that, for me, is reassuring, because we now have new data that even projects us to 2070,” added Yves Juneau, president and CEO of the Association of Quebec Ski Resorts.

Adaptation will therefore require significant investments in the province. Some resorts are already busy purchasing new equipment and integrating it, such as snow cannons, among others.

– With information from Éliane Pilote.




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