Investment Commission: 7.7 billion DH approved

Investment Commission: 7.7 billion DH approved
Investment Commission: 7.7 billion DH approved

7.7 billion DH is the amount of the draft agreements approved Tuesday by the 5th National Investment Commission (CNI), meeting in Rabat under the chairmanship of Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch. In total, this envelope will make it possible to finance 22 projects and 5 amendments to agreements as part of the main system established by the new Investment Charter.

The 27 approved projects will allow the creation of nearly 7,000 jobs, including 5,300 direct and 1,700 indirect, specifies the Department of the Head of Government. Commission No. 5 also approved the investment agreement for a strategic project in the electric mobility sector, in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region, for an amount of 12.8 billion DH and allowing the creation of 17,600 direct and indirect jobs.

Regarding the main system, the investment amount approved during this commission is increased to 89% by Moroccan companies. Note that 19 provinces and prefectures are affected by these projects, in 7 regions of the Kingdom.

According to the project mapping, the chemistry/parachemistry sector represents 56% of the total amount approved, followed by tourism (22%), automobiles (7%) and construction materials (6%). The other sectors concerned are agri-food (4%) and health, aquaculture, textiles, aeronautics and biotechnology with 1% each.

Furthermore, the automobile industry is the main provider of jobs for the projects approved during this CNI as part of the main system with 30% of the total, followed by tourism at 21% and textiles at 16%.



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