The holding company of “France’s youngest billionaire” placed in liquidation

The holding company of “France’s youngest billionaire” placed in liquidation
The holding company of “France’s youngest billionaire” placed in liquidation

The 17 companies of the Indexia group of Sadri Fegaier, often presented as “the youngest billionaire in France”, employed 400 people. He had already been condemned for “deceptive commercial practices” by the DGCCRF and the CNIL.

Justice has finally condemned one of the biggest consumer scams in recent years, a case of mis-selling which left thousands of victims », summarizes Libération.

The Paris commercial court has just declared the judicial liquidation of 17 companies from Sadri Fegaier’s Indexia group, specializing in telephone insurance and services linked to multimedia products, specifies Le Dauphiné:

Riddled with debt, massively accused of fraud (the group, specializing in affinity insurance, had become the champion of undue deductions, impossible to stop). »

“Deceptive commercial practices”

An end of activity which comes one month after that of Sfam, the historical entity of the group, notes La Tribune:

Enough to further bury the hopes of thousands of customers victims of abusive withdrawals from their bank accounts of being reimbursed for the sums taken without their consent. The consequences will also be social since hundreds of employees on the company’s sites demanded payment of their salaries. »

The General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF), seized of numerous “ repeated alerts from customers complaining about questionable subscription methods, with unwanted and repeated withdrawals », recalls Libération, had in fact “ finds deceptive commercial practices »:

The group must also answer for a system put in place to limit terminations. The amounts, even larger than in the Sfam affair, could reach several thousand euros per client in a few months. »

THE ” numerous reports » of consumers denouncing undue deductions had led the DGCCRF to open “ a second investigation ” For ” deceptive business practices “.

Two convictions from the CNIL

The CNIL had also sentenced him, in recent months, to two fines of 310,000 and 525,000 euros. for using data provided by data brokers for commercial prospecting purposes, without ensuring that the persons concerned had validly consented to being canvassed “.

In parallel with the liquidation of these entities, Sadri Fegaier, 44, and several companies in his empire must be tried in criminal court in the fall for deceptive commercial practices », notes La Tribune:

New investigations led to the referral to the Paris Criminal Court of Sadri Fegaier and six of his companies. A civil hearing will take place on September 12, but the chances for the victims of being reimbursed appear slim. »

A trial to come, 400 employees on the floor

Sadri Fegaier and several companies in his empire will also be tried in criminal court in the fall, specifies AFP. He will have to answer to two charges, summarizes France Bleu: deceptive commercial practices and obstacle to the exercise of the functions of detecting violations of the consumer code, “ that is to say obstructing the investigation of the repression of fraud “.

We can say that it is a page that is turning. This success, this comet that was Indexia has just crashed », Explains to France Bleu Nicolas Zeimetz, CFDT delegate of SFAM Roanne, present at the hearing:

“When a company’s business plan is based on a scam, it can’t work”; These are the very strong words spoken by the prosecutor, who established a link between the fate of the employees who find themselves in the water and that of the customers, who we can call victims, who are clearly left behind. . »

Customers have two months from the publication of the liquidation in the Official Bulletin of Civil and Commercial Announcements (Bodacc) to declare their debt (and hope for a reimbursement, at least) », Explains the lawyer who represents many victims.

France Bleu believes that “ around 400 employees » are directly affected by the judicial liquidations of the 17 entities of the Indexia group. Its website now shows an error message ” 502 Bad gateway “, that of Hubside a ” Error 503: Service Unavailable »:

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