Letter of the day: Let’s keep our feet on the biosphere

Letter of the day: Let’s keep our feet on the biosphere
Letter of the day: Let’s keep our feet on the biosphere

Let’s keep our feet on the biosphere

Letters from readers

Published today at 8:36 a.m.

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Chatelaine, May 14

Who is behind the leaflet distributed in all our mailboxes, entitled “Alliance Electricity Law, from January 1, 2025”? The enigma is total, the authors have not signed… They advance masked, their identity is however an open secret, it is… a branch of the UDC.

If we analyze this leaflet, we first note that it is entitled “Alliance Law on Electricity” although it is opposed to it. Beautiful ambiguity! If we are to believe the authors, the estimated financial benefits for households, 10,000 francs. per household until 2050, that seems like a lot. However, this only corresponds to “33 francs per month” per household over 25 years. This remains modest compared to the importance of maintaining the sacrosanct Swiss energy independence so advocated by the Federal Council and the energy shortage so feared by UDC Federal Councilor Albert Rösti himself.

The idea of ​​permanent surveillance of our consumption by a nosy state takes the place of fantasy. Our consumption is not secret, since our SIG electricity bills already correspond to our consumption. So we have nothing to hide.

The height of ridicule is reached when the authors brandish the fear of additional electromagnetic irradiation linked to “smart meters”, irradiation described as dangerous for our health. Should we ban cell phones, 4G, Wi-Fi or microwaves?…

The fear that energy suppliers will remotely shut down our heat pumps and lower the ambient temperature in our homes is crazy! On the contrary, it is the feared energy shortages that this new law aims to combat that could cause it.

The gradual abandonment of fossils is an absolute necessity. The new federal law relating to “a secure electricity supply, based on renewable energies”, is an imperfect but essential response to the energy transition.

Let’s leave fake news to their authors and keep our feet on our biosphere.

Jean-Daniel Viret

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