“The liquid accumulates and it hardens”: 5,000 complaints filed against Stellantis following breakdowns linked to the Ad Blue system

“The liquid accumulates and it hardens”: 5,000 complaints filed against Stellantis following breakdowns linked to the Ad Blue system
“The liquid accumulates and it hardens”: 5,000 complaints filed against Stellantis following breakdowns linked to the Ad Blue system

According to the UFC-Que Choisir association, the problem has been known to manufacturers for more than 10 years.

While Stellantis is forced to “close factories” in the face of Chinese competition and suffers the blow after the Takata airbag scandal, the 5,000 complaints filed against the car dealership following numerous breakdowns linked to Ad Blue fluid these last few days risk further sinking society, already severely affected, we learned from TF1 during a report broadcast by the channel.

The Ad Blue liquid “crystallizes”, just like the tensions at Stellantis. Nearly 5,000 motorists, including 2,000 French people, sent complaints to the UFC-Que Choisir association. The cause: multiple repetitions of breakdowns linked to Ad Blue liquid.

Recurring breakdowns

This liquid additive which is used to reduce emissions of polluting particles from diesel enginesmandatory at a rate of 15 liters every 10,000 km “accumulates” and “it hardens”as mechanic Mattéo Bono explains in a report broadcast by TF1. “The filter plugs directly and, as it is crimped, we have to replace the entire tank“, he explains. A problem “recurrent” that many motorists encounter according to complaints.

Several manufacturers are concerned but Peugeot and Citroën are the two brands most affected in revealed the UFC-Que Choisir, which contacted the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) as well as the European Commission.

“Special coverage” offered

Questioned by our colleagues, Stellantis claims to have “offeredover time to customers who repaired their AdBlue SCR tank, dedicated special covers as provided by standard company policies”. Also, “100% of the cost of the part for vehicles less than five years old and less than 150,000 km from the warranty date”will be covered. Concerning vehicles not meeting the required criteria, “30 to 90% of the cost of the part will be refunded.”

In addition, the group has been offering since December 2023 “a reduction of 30 euros on labor”, specifying that it has implemented “a policy covering repeat cases” in April 2024.

A problem already known to manufacturers?

According to the consumer defense association, the problem had already been known to manufacturers for several years, the vehicles concerned having been marketed in 2013. “Manufacturers preferred to turn a blind eye and continue to sell these faulty vehicles.insisted the association. “This concerns vehicles since 2013 because a wear criterion appeared. This is not a problem that has existed for ten years,” Stellantis defended himself.




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