Announcement of the third edition of Moroccan Automotive Technologies by GIPAM

Announcement of the third edition of Moroccan Automotive Technologies by GIPAM
Announcement of the third edition of Moroccan Automotive Technologies by GIPAM
The Interprofessional Automotive Group in Morocco (GIPAM) launched the third edition of the Salon Moroccan Automotive Technologies, an increasingly essential event for the Moroccan automotive industry. The opening conference, which took place in Casablanca, goes beyond a simple protocol formality, becoming an unmissable event for professionals and stakeholders in the spare parts ecosystem in Morocco. This biennial Show offers a privileged platform for exchanges, innovation and the strengthening of strategic partnerships in this growing sector.

The conference was an opportunity to reflect on the successes and obstacles of the last edition of the show, thus providing valuable insight into the evolution of the aftermarket ecosystem. By exposing the current market situation and highlighting the challenges faced by players in this dynamic field, the event sparked constructive collective reflection. It was a special moment for professionals to share their experiences, their visions and their future perspectives.

Beyond the results, the conference enthusiastically announced the next edition of the Moroccan Automotive Technologies Show, scheduled for November 14 to 17, 2024 at the Casablanca Fairs and Exhibitions Office (OFEC). Organized around the evocative theme “The mutation and revolution of the automotive repair and maintenance ecosystem”, this event promises to be a platform for exchanges and discoveries where innovations, trends and challenges of the industry will be examined in detail.

During the press conference, Mohamed El Housni, President of GIPAM, said: “We are proud to have created a space where key players can come together, exchange ideas and shape the future of our sector.” This quote perfectly illustrates the spirit of this event and the ambition it carries for the future of the sector.

THE Moroccan Automotive Technologies Show, placed under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is preparing to welcome all the key players in the automotive after-sales ecosystem. Scheduled for the 2024 edition, this event will be the scene of the latest technical and technological advances in the field of automobile spare parts. This year, the show will particularly highlight major innovations such as additive manufacturing, smart parts and vehicle connectivity. In addition to these themes, participants will have the opportunity to discover other revolutionary advances that are shaping the industry. The show will offer a rich and diverse program, including conferences, interactive workshops and practical demonstrations. This framework will allow participants to fully immerse themselves in current trends and new developments in this constantly evolving sector, while promoting exchanges and strategic partnerships between the different players in the automotive industry. This 2024 edition promises to be a unique platform to explore the future prospects of the sector and to learn about the latest technological developments which are transforming the automotive after-sales market. “The Moroccan Automotive Technologies is much more than a trade show, it is a real catalyst for innovation and development of the automotive industry,” announced Aziz Dich, curator of the Moroccan Automotive Technologies Show.

MAT: a platform dedicated to professionals

The Moroccan Automotive Technologies has established itself as the main meeting and exchange platform for manufacturers and distributors of automotive spare parts, maintenance, repair and service specialists, as well as tire and automotive professionals. tools and garage equipment. This flagship event offers exhibitors a privileged showcase to present their innovative products, while visitors have the opportunity to discover the latest trends and advances in a constantly evolving sector, both in Morocco and internationally. With the expected participation of 150 exhibitors and the presence of more than 12,000 visitors, the MAT 2024 Show promises to be an unmissable event for all players in the automotive industry.



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