30 million liters of discolored fuel oil injected into service stations: 20 people arrested for massive fraud

30 million liters of discolored fuel oil injected into service stations: 20 people arrested for massive fraud
30 million liters of discolored fuel oil injected into service stations: 20 people arrested for massive fraud

61 searches were carried out over five days as part of an investigation into massive fuel oil fraud carried out by the Limburg federal judicial police, we learned on Thursday. Twenty people were placed under arrest warrant by the investigating judge.

Between 2020 and 2024, two criminal organizations would have put into circulation at least 30 million liters of discolored fuel oil, resulting in a loss for the Belgian state estimated at 25.5 million euros.

The organizations decolorized the fuel oil on a large scale before selling it to several service stations, thus avoiding excise duties.

Some 300 police officers were involved in the 61 searches.

Seven searches were carried out in Wallonia on Wednesday. A total of 5.37 million euros was seized, including 194,255 euros in cash and 1.84 million in cash.

Eight properties with an estimated value of 2.87 million euros were also confiscated, as well as 19 vehicles with an estimated value of 465,409 euros.

fuel oil Fraud searches discolored fuel oil



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